Serving Maine People Since 1991!
With 27 years of experience, we proudly serve clients across the state of Maine from our offices in Bangor. We are client-oriented and successful in a wide range of legal areas.
With 27 years of experience, we proudly serve clients across the state of Maine from our offices in Bangor. We are client-oriented and successful in a wide range of legal areas.
When you enlist our services, you will receive our excellent legal knowledge, our exemplary customer service, our relentless dedication, and our professional integrity.
We can get results for you!
The Maine Supreme Court just notified me of their decision vacating a $23,900 civil penalty against our client, an elderly gentleman, who had his water turned off by a neighbor but was being fined for no running water that had been shut off arbitrarily by a neighbor.
The Mullen case involves a challenge to a parental termination decision by a state District Court in York County, Maine when the Judge on her own motion took away the father's court appointed attorney for 8 months of the entire child protection process in violation i(n our opinion) of due process.
"This is the second time in my 25-year career that I have earned this award," Baldacci noted. "My sincere thanks to all my clients for their support. I have had the pleasure of literally representing thousands of Maine people -- and a few from away!"
We are still aways from getting cert- and could easily be turned down- but we have crossed several thresholds just to get to this point.I am very proud of my whole staff and especially my office's Eugene Sullivan and Jeremiah Rancourt.